Thursday, July 28, 2011

Digital Painting

Painting traditional have had help me a lot to paint this images.
On the first top I am going to add a character to it. I am working on telling a Story to it.
Any comments are welcome. thank you for visiting...

Traditional Painting with Acrylics

It's been a really fun and nice experience doing this project.
It's true that painting has help me a lot. I will keep painting Thanks...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I try to plein air- painting with acrylics and the last two projects was fun.
I will keep doing these for the summer.


Acrylic study

Traditional Painting

water color

Monday, June 27, 2011

I had fun doing these two concepts. The two moment scenes from Flying Carpets.

Flying Carpets

This Character Design was really hard for me because I had to use different shapes
and make it appeal. I had this piece, however I feel that there is something missing. Thanks

This project I had to come with a concept about _ how animals may be able to help humans. This concept is a Hippo as a s.w.a.t.

Character Design

This Project was to design The Green Night
The Green Knight is a character in the 14th-century Arthurian poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


This images I did a while ago using Photoshop try
to learn as much
I used Painter

3D Animation

Here, I showed that I can Animate the ball, animate the tail with four joint and the walk cycle. In my 3D class. Music by Steen Thottrup - If You Were Here Tonigh.
Fun stuff.